Title: Contextual Inspiration.
- The Photographers Gallery
- Motherhood and Identity
- The National Gallery
- Michael Landy's Saints Alive
- Lutz Backer's Black Beauty
The first gallery visit we made was to The National Gallery to visit the Michael Landy exhibition called Saints Alive. This exhibition was very interesting and new to me as it was inspired by existing painting within The Nation Gallery with a very engineering and mechanical twist.
My favourite visit had to be at The Photographers Gallery. Having previous visited a few weeks ago I wasn't exactly looking forward to it; however I was greeted with a pleasant surprise. I found this exhibition to be very exciting and refreshing. The whole idea of motherhood was very touching and well explored through photography.
Over all I found all the exhibitions beautiful and was lost in the rooms for a long time. This turned out to have taken a lot of time and didn't allow me to visit all of the exhibitions I was required to; though I was confident that the information I had taken in would be enough to stir me the right way for this project.
- The Selfish Giant [film]
To finish the day off, we went to the cinema to watch a film by Clio Barnard called The Selfish Giant. When being told the film title I initially though it was going to be an animation because it reminded me of the film The Iron Giant, however the trailer said otherwise.
To my surprise the film was very captivating and touching. I absolutely loved the story and the characters; it was very believable and reached to the core of my heart. Being someone who's not very fond of social realism, this film did amazingly to captivate me and make me really love and connect to it.
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