Week three started with merging with the Media Production class- not intimidating and scary at all.
We were to mix with the class and were put into groups to commence our one day project. Radical Ideas was the title in which we could do what ever we deemed exciting and radical. Something no one's though of or considered before. Anything to push the boundaries of the human mind, for example; the moon is made of cheese. However it had to be believable and we were to convince the class that our radical idea is 'totally a thing'.
My group went down the line of supernatural realism.
Our idea was that there is an alternate universe that exists within the one we current live in. However it's impossible to pass through to the other side. So when you suddenly smell a strange scent that seems to be coming out of no where, it means that the scent has crossed that line between the universes' and enables us to experience it.
Us as a group had cracked the code and were able to break through to the other universe through a special camera we have invented.
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