Sunday, 2 March 2014

Title Sequences

Project 4
Title: Title Sequences.

Getting back from Christmas break we were immediately thrown into a new project, because interview season was coming up, we were encouraged to do as much as possible without stalling.

We were given five genre options:

  • Television Drama
  • Thriller
  • Spaghetti Western
  • News and Affair
  • Bollywood

From this we were to pick four genres, make pick a film/show for each and make four storyboards. After this we were to pick two of the four and make two final storyboards; this would then lead us to making two final title sequences.

I made a list of films and shows that I could consider for my project.

  • Television Drama
- Orange is the new black
- Sherlock Holmes
- Game of Thrones
  • News and Affair
- Mock the week
  • Thriller
- Resident Evil
- Shutter Island
- The Machinist
  • Spaghetti Western
- The Great Silence
- The good the bad and the ugly
- Days of Vengence

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