This is the story I choose to go with since I decided it would make for a more exciting story. I also asked people which story they preferred and this one received the most votes, closely followed by prison story.
But how would one know they'll be free, or at peace, after they die? No one's actually died and lived to tell the tale. For all we know, there could be another stage after death [like in video games]; and what if it's more difficult than the stage we're in now?
Is there actually freedom in death?
I named my female protagonist Deloris and though to make her look like someone unhealthy; someone who looks like they've been through a lot are are ready to give up on life. I decided a sickly looking girl would be someone more people can relate to to such a situation.
A girl is also usually not a typical main character in a film and I would like to challenge that norm and make my protagonist a teenage female girl.
I also practiced drawing a few scenes on paper before trying to draw it digitally.
For this project I decided to use a tablet to draw, this was a very helpful tool as it allowed me the freedom to draw however I want- once I got the hang of it.
Since my theme is rather morbid I though it'd be fitting to have a messy and sketchy art style for my animation.
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