Sunday, 2 March 2014


For my second animation I successfully managed to add sound, however it's not of high quality or pound enough to be audible. I also added dialogue which I did although we were encouraged not to, since it's difficult. So I'm proud of myself for being able to, with some success, use it in my work.

Although this piece is unfinished I think it comes from a very interesting idea which my friend and I would love to work on in the future as an internet cartoon. Having though very deeply into the story, background and characters it turned out to be a very exciting idea that drives us both. The story also gained a lot of attuning within the class as people seemed to show a lot of interest in it and relate to and favour many of the characters. For example the Sun named Sunpai; originating from the Japanese  word senpai; meaning a senior or superior in any academic or corporate organization in society, commonly used in the schooling system. Within the anime fandom, it's a popular term when referring to a male you look up to and are physically attracted to, you see the person as higher than you and they're usually the nice guy.
It was a play on character and a term that lots of people can relate to.

There is also a romance in the story between Pluto and Sunpai which people have taken a huge interest in and pitched in a lot of iras that I've found very exciting and drives me to work on this professionally.

Aside from pleasing the audience, there are some underlying themes that I'm promoting within the story. Anti-bullying and equality. Through Pluto getting bullied I would like to show why bullying is as stupid as it is bad. And I'd like to promote equality through the different characteristics of the planets and through the gay relationship between the Sun and Pluto, this also links to reasons people are possibly bullied. Along with entertaining my audience, I wish to promote good things and teach my audience to be better people in some way.

We've discussed this often and have created a strong storyline and background to the characters and their lives that we're confident we can make a successful cartoon of it all while enjoying the making process.

As a personal project I wish to take this further one day is something I would like to accomplish.

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