Sunday, 2 March 2014

Inspiration and Character

I find that making A4 inspiration boards/mind maps filled with words and pictures is really helpful. This way I can write at the same speed of my thinking without having to worry about filling the page [although, running out of space is a little bit of a problem].
I also find this technique helpful because I can ask people for input and doodle.

After going through all the places I visited yesterday I remembered visiting a room in the ICA called Space. It was a huge room with paint splashed walls, with random colours, that was occasionally hired to parties and such.
I was inspired by the title of the room Space and took it in terms of outer space and the universe. The idea of personifying planets excited me, but in what sense could I personify them? Then the idea hit me; the room would usually be used for parties held by younger folk judging on the design, colour and lighting.
So why not make a college party?

Personally I strongly stand of anti-bullying so I though to add a personal message within my animation. With this though in mind, I remembered that Pluto is no longer part of the solar system and to everyone who were taught it was, it seemed very unfair- whatever the reason. Being the smallest planet, it seemed to me as a form of leaving someone out; therefore I made Pluto my protagonist and the other planets and stars as students.

Characteristics deemed very important in this project. Conveniently, on the next class day we were given a lecture on character, therefore I incorporated the lesson into my work.

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