Saturday, 1 March 2014


I found the last six weeks to be extremely helpful and informative. I really liked the idea of experience all the pathway choices and learning about them, this really gave me an insight of what I enjoy and where my strengths and weaknesses lie.

I began the course thinking that I surely going to go into the Fashion pathway; however during the Lens Based Media pathway week I was introduced to a subject I very much fancied for a long time but never though of taking it professionally.

I'm extremely glad that these few weeks have helped me rethink and make up my mind with what I would like to study and work as in the future. That's not to say that I didn't enjoy the fashion classes or that I've completely lost interest in fashion design. I just feel that I personally connect to animation more that I do with fashion since my fashion style and design generates from animation and video games and such.

All in all, I'm very glad with my outcome and look forward to studying Lens Based Media and Animation.

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