Saturday, 1 March 2014

Me, Myself and I

Project 1
Title: About me.

For our Lens Based Media pathway our first project was what I referred to as Me, Myself and I. Our task was to create a final outcome around the topic.

As an animator, I was naturally encouraged to make an animation, as we were told to focus on what we wish to do for our degree course rather that experimenting. This would help us build on our portfolio.

I began by making a questionnaire and choose a handful of people of different ages and personalities to cary it out.:

List of Questions:

  1. What kind of character would I be in a film/cartoon?
  2. Do I seem: Disney, Pixar, Dreemworks, Tim Burton, Laika Studios or Square Enix?
  3. Where do you see me in the future?
  4. What's the first word that comes to your mind when you think of me?
  5. What's your earliest/favourite memory of me?
  6. If I was an animal what would I be?

Through this I was able to get a feel of what people think of me and what information within this I can be inspired by.

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