Background story:
1. In middle school Earth came up with a theory that Pluto wasn’t even a planet, he was just pretending, seeing as he didn’t fit in, didn’t behave in any way and was just simply too distant. He said that he didn’t fit as a planet, or a star or anything in the whole universe and he was plain weird.
People started spreading bad rumours about Pluto Pluto was always different and distant, therefore he was always bullied.
2. One day, in middle school, Earth came up with a theory that Pluto was pretending to be a planet and he wasn’t really anything; he backed up this theory by saying that he was too small to be anything in the solar system and that he was a mistake.
The rumour spread like wildfire and everyone was talking about it without knowing the source of information; it just became known that he was pretending to be a planet to get attention or to fit in.
Earth realised what he’d done; it was merely a theory he came up with but it got out of hand and now Pluto was suffering. He started smoking to make himself feel better, however it just make his health decrease incredibly. He stopped hanging around with his friends and became known as the stoner.
No one knew who started the rumour, not even Pluto; even Earth almost forgot he did that because his brain was completely drowned in the poison of smoking and drinking.
I finalised my storyboard and wrote a script to match the animation I'll soon be working on.
A bunch of planets shout at, throw stuff at and be mean to Pluto, in quick flashes and a few words. Pluto wakes up from his horrible nightmare and looks at the time, it’s almost time for the school party.
He looks at the door and his mum calls from downstairs, saying “Pluto honey, wake up from your nap; it’s almost time for your school party”. He sighs, he hasn’t told his mum about what happened to him in middle school and she thinks everything is normal and he’s having a good time.
He goes to the party and Uranus says “ew, it’s Pluto” and a everyone laughs. Pluto sulks and makes eye contact with Neptune. Pluto smiles at him and Neptune immediately looks away. Sadly Pluto goes to sit next to Earth, who is sitting next to the food table, completely stoned and talking to himself. They greet each other.
Earth starts coughing and says he has a tummy ache and that he needs to go to the bathroom. Pluto asks if he needs help, Earth says “it’s fine, the voices in my head will keep me company” Pluto nods and lets him go.
Pluto looks at the dancing crowd; they’re having fun and partying. He looks at Jupiter who’s chilling with all his moons and talking to Mars; switches his view to Venus getting her nails done by Pluto’s moons and some of Saturn’s moons. They say they’re so glad they left Pluto for her; the Saturn ones put their hand up and say they left Saturn.
The door opening sound happens and everyone turns around and says “oooooo”. The sun walks in with Mercury, all smiling, while Mercury waves and says greets the people of their behalf. Planets start whispering; saying he hardly comes to parties so they find space for him to sit. Venus runs over and immediately leads him to the food stand, pushing and telling Pluto to go away rudely. Sun frowns and tells her to stop and tells Pluto that he can sit with him and Mercury; Mercury smiles and nods. Pluto is scared, but listens.
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