Sunday, 2 March 2014

Resident Evil & Orange is the new Black

For the outcome of this project I was extremely proud. Although it isn't finished I am very proud of managing to create come 3D animation and I'm glad that when I was getting critiqued about it everyone seemed to like it too. I found it to be very time consuming to construct the buildings however the animation process was very quick and easy to do so it wasn't too bad. Besides, I enjoyed the process of constructing the buildings so I wasn't all too upset by how long it took.

Getting the perfect movement for the animation was rather difficult because of the possible jagged movements and incorrect angles, so I had to experiment a few times before finally choosing the best one for the final film.

Though we were encouraged to use Flash for this since it would be easier for us, I preferred using Premier Pro and put together the film on that. To create the whole film I used four main programmes; Google Sketchup, Premier Pro, Photoshop and After Effects.
After Effects turned out to be a bit of a struggle because the keyframe feature wasn't correctly working and this meant I couldn't animate a small sequence properly. However it looked just as effective and fitting for this opening with or without the animation so I kept it in.
The editing on Photoshop required a lot of work but this helped me gain a lot of knowledge and skill as well as made a successful outcome that looked effective and matched the theme of the film. As the maker of the film I thought it was very important to have a special title for his name, therefore a separate credit to W.S.Anderson's in the sequence was added.

The sound track choice is the theme song in the film, by Marilyn Manson, titled Main Title Theme. It was best fitting with the opening sequence as it is from the soundtrack of the film and it also matched the 3D animation style and it's overall technical aspect.

To finish this film, I think it'll be best to remove all the film clips and keep the animation since it currently looks more like a trailer than an opening title sequence. Although I think the eye opening clip at the end is very well fitting for the opening sequence of the film and a very effective and captivating closing for the title sequence.

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