Sunday, 2 March 2014

Caterpillars and Butterflies

Going along with the idea of growing up, marriage and divorce I though a caterpillar turning into a butterfly would be most best fitting.

I decided that the character design should be simple, this gave me a chance to look at the facial expression of the caterpillar, the flowers I could make and the different types of butterflies.

Even though I knew I wouldn't need to create the transformation of the caterpillar into butterfly, I though it would be appropriate to study that transformation so I'm well informed about my area of study and can answer questions about such things if asked.

I had a talk with one of the tutors and she suggested I look at the different types of caterpillars and what kind of butterflies they grown into. This is an important bit of research especially because butterfly enthusiasts could possibly watch the film and they could be very critical.

Therefore I looked a few butterflies of different colours that I found beautiful and different caterpillars alike and studied them. This helped me gain knowledge and gave me an insight to real professional research put into films/animation so they appear more realistic and less offensive to people with different interests.

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