Story Ideas
Coming up with story ideas isn't the most easiest of tasks, especially when you feel like you have a billion amazing ideas and can't seem to choose one. But because I've taken up the idea of discussing my ideas with people, I managed to narrow down to a few ideas which I can elaborate on and add more to, to give structure. From my initial ideas, I gathered a few [as seen above] that I would discuss in class for our weekly group critiques.
Group crit
- Look at Louis Wein, the artist that paints weird ass cats
- people think he has schizophrenia
- his mental illness is merely a theory
- Look more into the dark [original] version of Alice in Wonderland
- inspired or rather uhm...
- Louis Wein's cats are weird and remind people of the Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland
- Look at video game of crazy Alice in Wonderland
- It'll be interesting to see the progression of mental illness developing
- how did he/she get it?
- what do they go through?
- what caused them to get the illness?
- Possibly look at hat Tumblr post about you, the player, being the main character in a video game and while going through the levels of the game it gets darker and darker but you're convinced what you're going is the right thing. At the end of the game you realise you've turned into the villain.
- Girl stays in her room all her life because if she leaves, she won't be in control of her life. She'd look out of her bedroom window and see people walking around seemingly happy but randomly changing from 2D animation to 3D, black and white, pixels or some sort of stop-motion ect.
- The story breaks the Fourth Wall because only the main character is aware that she's not real and everything is controlled by me, the animator. No one else understands that they're controlled by me and they don't know I exist.
- They think the protagonist has some sort of mental disorder like a type of schizophrenia.
- She'd figured out that I can't get to her when she is in her room so she doesn't ever leave in order to protect herself.
- Hikikamori.
- In order to be free she has to isolate and hide in her room, away from me. This way she choses what kind of animation to be like.
- maybe have physical/human objects to animate, like puppets or hands, stones whatever.
- Maybe this doesn't need a set narrative or storyline, like trying to achieve something. It doesn't have to be a show or film, it could just be an outside view on something happening inside, like documentaries?
STORY: Idea 2
- A marionette doll going about living her life. She's a star, a performer. However she's controlled by her puppeteer and made to do whatever he wants. She wants to break free and cut off her strings so she can move on her own.
- She sees all these other people who are free and without strings, they are able to do and move and do as they please.
- She has to deal with the puppeteer's anger issues [agressive behaviour] and obsession with owning her/
- At the end she manages to break free and cut off her strings and dies.
- on the bright side, she's free [Y/N?]
- The puppeteer could have been a good guy all along and wanted to protect her so she wouldn't die.
- Could switch genders to represent the role of women in society [the boss for real]
- could also be a fun and new/interesting switch on character and gender role
Public View
- Idea one seems like more of a challenge and generally sounds more interesting than the other.
- The different animation styles seem like a challenging concept but would be fun and interesting to do. Something to learn from.
- Idea one requires more skill.
- Idea two sounds a bit cliché, to be honest.
- Idea one is more original and can show a lot more potential.
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