Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Final Story

After going trough all my ideas and asking people about their opinions for my possible animation story lines, the most favoured idea was the one that hit me off the spur which I am, for the moment, calling Idea 3.

My story is inspired by an advert I overheard, selling Scholl’s Velvet Smooth Express Pedi. It was a rather word advert because not many times do they advertise products to make your feet “beautiful”. Something I’ve started noticing that’s been happening quite often of TV; adverts that show products to make your feet appear better.

Being in a society where looks are everything; the world revolves around physical appearance. In my story there’s a woman who watches and advert where she sees a product that makes your skin smooth and clean. This is through gently removing dead skin by rolling a contraption across your skin. Loving how the results felt, she got addicted and continuously performed the task to her skin everyday.
She’d watch more adverts to perfect her appearance and buy more and more products for the cause.
However this doesn’t take the best of turns. She abuses the products and over uses them on herself. This progressively gets worse to the extent that all she lives for is making herself look perfect. She’d be seduced by magazines and models and thrive to look like them.
This turns to an illness where in she will do anything to loose weight and appears as a porcelain doll. She now has body dystrophia and constantly questions her looks and tries to improve them by buying more products.
In the last scene we see her smoothing her foot away and the as the objects move, we see a bone through the skin of her heel. The scene changes to a view of her battered up face as she recites the only form of speech in the whole animation “I’m finally perfect”.

I think this story appeals to more people because many people go through it; not necessarily to such an extreme but it’s not far from reality. Stages of body dysmorphia include: depression, self harm and in worse cases; death.

In my animation, I want to emphasise the struggle of a person with body dysmorphia, but I also want to show people that striving for perfection is wrong in the worst possible way so the message is definitely across.

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