Monday, 26 May 2014

Review of Final Major Project

STUDENT NAME: Qandeel Anjum
PATHWAY: Lens Based Media

My final outcome is an animation that uses mixed media, 2D and stop-motion clay. I believe I have progressed well during the seven weeks, I am confident with my final piece. It was by means a smooth journey, there were many bumps and hardships along the way, which I found to be very exciting because I knew for sure that I was not playing safely and experimenting enough for it not to be too little.It is not too far off my Project Proposal as it is still very much about the human mind and how dark it is, the mental illness the mind can very easily cause a person to obtain.

To make a check list of how my learning has effect my project I have done: an FMP plan, blog and sketchooks.Making a physical plan of what I was going to be doing throughout the seven weeks deemed to be very useful and helped me visualise how much I should have done so far, what I should be doing now and what I need to prepare for, for the week after. Having to update the blog everyday was a very helpful end to the day, as I can evaluate my days worth of work and revise what I have just learnt. This would reflect what I have done in my sketchbook and express in a more sophisticated manner the process of my journey and reflection upon work

Upon beginning the project, I knew I had to do something to push myself, something I haven not done before. I am glad to have met that target by making a film with an animation style and material I have never worked with before.

The development of my research is the key to where I have ended up with my FMP. My research is in depth enough for me to move aside from what I would have intentionally done and dived deeper into my topic to find something more effective as a final outcome.

I often asked for advice and others opinions on what I was doing, because as the audience they are entitled to their own opinions. Votes for best plot ideas were taken from group evaluation sessions and tutors, along with valid reason as to why the vote was being made. I also took professional input from tutors and took in their opinions and advice to apply to my work to increase the quality. For example having a well thought out story is just as important as the way you convey it.

If I was to do this project again or be given a few more weeks, I would really love to improve on my time management. I was very ill prepared and found myself really stressed and in a rush towards the end. If I could just fix the flaw I believe I would have a more clean and easier to understand animation. This would also mean more enjoyment in my work rather than just the feeling of want to get it over with. Never the less, I can confidently say I have successfully leant how much in depth research pays off in regards to the final outcome. These are important skills I have learnt and while definitely apply next year so I can be more at ease than I was this time around. It will only get harder from here so I should understand how important time management is.

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