Wednesday, 21 May 2014

New Story Idea

  • Thriving for perfection
- the heel advert; imagine someone doing so much of it everyday that it ruins them
- they clean so much that one day they touch bone and say "I'm perfect"
- their face could also be battered up, causing their voice to sound creepy as hell
  • Self harm
  • Body dysmorphia
  • She could be dying at the end, or at her deathbed but be happy because she's finally perfect
  • Watch Doctor Phill
- girl would spend hours peeling skin and/or spots on her face to make the surface perfect
  • Girl could be clay/stop-motion but wants to look beautiful like everyone else who are 2D animated
- she flattens herself and cuts parts of herself to slim down, just they way they are
  • How did she develop this disorder?
  • What's her past?

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