Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Questionnaire: Character

1. Do you idolise characters? Or emotionally connect with them?
  • Yes and yes, because I feel like if I’m going through the same thing and dealing with the situations they’re dealing with; except I think I things I would do instead of the ones they’re doing.
  • Yes, only when they’re relatable.
  • I don’t idolise them but emotionally connect with them instead.
  • Yes, yes I do, I’m not sure if love is the word, id say I fall in deep infatuation with them. Idolise is too of a strong word. But I do connect emotionally with certain ones and I feel that many of them are good role model material despite being fictional.
  • Sometimes, when the character is show to be so amazing in one way or another. Like they’re very diligent and don’t give up and generally set a good example to views to be influenced by in a positive way.

2. Do you fall infatuation with characters? Why?
  • All the time! Because they’re hot. You know that it’s a movie and you know you can’t find a guy like that so all you can do is fantasise and know you could never find a guy like that in real life.
  • I guess so, if I’m physically attracted to them then yes.
  • Not really. I’m more interested in the plot.
  • Oo just answered this, I guess because they are hot and I’ve always been attracted to people/things with character, and characters are caricatures so tick all the boxes really.
  • YEAAAAAA. Cos they're hot and real life humans are flawed. But yeah art style helps (they look hot) and with fictional characters you can play with many character tropes that wouldn't really be considered acceptable in today's society.
  • Very often. Animated characters just seem to be more attractive that real people; as weird as it is. However, I do accept that it’s not exactly healthy you see because it makes me set my standards way too high, it’s almost amusing.

3. What kind of characters type do you like?
  • The old villains, because they’re different and confident to prove what they think is right and prove everyone else wrong. It’s funny and badass at the same time. They’re old and cool, that’s cool. Like Voldemort.
  • The villains that aren’t exactly the villains but are kind of the bad guys but not the main bay guy. Like Kadaj from Final Fantasy VII- Advent Children and Draco form the Harry Potter series.
  • Narcissistic characters.
  • I’m all about the villains.
  • I like characters who are strong willed, empathetic, who work hard and are optimistic. But I feel that I connect more with characters who are quiet and keep to themselves, who struggle with their goals. Characters who are considered more ‘human’.
  • I don’t know, I suppose I could say a villain but are they actually my favourite character? I don’t find myself routing for them necessarily. I wouldn’t say the hero, I don’t dislike them but they usually aren’t my favourite…no matter how attractive they are.
I like a really quirky, crude and sarcastic character, like coldhearted and mean but they have good intentions inside or have a god side. I could say someone like me really. They are by no means the villain, nor are they necessarily the “good guy”, they’er just there with a huge role (in my heart) and a bloody sexy personality. For example; Ymir from Attack on Titan; damn that lady’s amazing. As of late, this character tends to usually be female and that makes me like them even more, because…heck I like girls.

4. Do you engage more with a male or female protagonist?

5. Do you ever connect with your character so much that see you yourself being them?
  • Not being them, but being like them. Because they’re someone I know I couldn’t be or even be like, so all I can do is imagine.
  • I imagine/wish to be like them. I want to live their lives but be myself. rarely.
  • Erm no. I may aspire to think like a character or adopt a few of there characteristics but alas, they are just fiction so what works for characters doesn’t often work in real life- e.g; happily ever after? How the fuck do they make that work out every time.
  • I take on board advice that a character may provide but I could never see myself truly being them. There is a barrier between fiction and reality and everyone is their own unique person. We should embrace that.
  • Quite often actually, but more in the sense that “if I were in their situation I would do this and that, rather than what they’re doing”. I’m an animator and writer you see, I like to live my character and imagine what it’d be like to be them, feel what they feel and understand why they’re doing what they’re doing. Again, for your question about getting emotionally invested in films? Yes, oh so very much indeed.

6. What do you think about the lack of non-white characters as protagonists in films?
  • I think it’s fine. I’m just so used to seeing white main characters and have been brought up that way that a sudden change makes it feel weird. Considering there’s now a category of film called Black Cinema, it’s completely divided the two and when watching a film with a black person as the main protagonist it makes it seem like it belongs to Black Cinema, which is almost considered a genre now.
  • I think it’s kind of stupid because anyone can act and it’s just a part. Unless the film is based on a book and it’s specific on having a white-male protagonist, it isn’t fair that the choice of main character is so biased and narrow.
  • Doesn't give a chance for other actors who have great potential and causes the same actors to appear too many times.
  • I think that it is a form of racism, especially when poc are used in films to fulfil inaccurate stereotypes, I think when living in multicultural societies it is essential to represent everyone. I think that lack of self-representation in huge powerful industries such as the media can be very damaging and can actually perpetuate the inequalities that people of certain race/gender/disability experience.
  • I think representation is very important especially within industries that millions of consumers. The fact that there is a lack of PoC protagonists in the movie industry upsets me. 
Even though I feel you can still relate to a protagonist regardless of their skin colour, representation is still very important and it just goes to show that white dominance is still a prevalent thing and still exists.
  • This is racism right? I’m by no means being harsh but it is very racist, biased and highly disappointing considering we like in the twenty first century and we’re supposed to be better people who like equality. But nope, not at all. What’s worse is the main character is always a white male. In a society where male and female are supposed treated equally, are they really? Sorry, the equalist inside me is coming out, but you know what I’m getting at.

7. Does the characters clothes matter to you?
  • Yes they do, I like them to dress well. Especially if they’re the main character and don’t dress well….I like well dressed main protagonists.
  • Yes, sometimes I watch to dress like them. Not cosplay necessarily, like dress similar, something that I could wear down the road.
  • Not if it fits with the era and characters personality.
  • Not really, they have to be appropriate for the character and their part in the story.
  • Clothes can say a lot about a character so I suppose so.
  • I think it does, because I like to cosplay and so do many others. If the characters clothes aren’t distinguishable, not necessarily cool and flashy or sexy even, just as long as they’re clean enough to differentiate it’s good fun to cosplay because people can guess who you are when you’re all dressed up.
  • This doesn’t mean that the character should have far fetched, amazing and unrealistic clothes, right? I just think their clothes should be different enough you know, but it should be crazy funky because who actually dresses like that in real life?
  • As a fashion student, yes it matters so very much. It seems like such an exciting part of designing a character, their clothes define them and mean that they can thoroughly express themselves without actually trying. Especially since it’s animation, they’re most probably only going to wear one outfit through out the whole film or show, so why not work hard on that make it special.

8. Do you like movies that have a setting where the characters go around and travel to places as opposed to a claustrophobic kind of setting?

  • Well it depends what kind of vibe the movie is giving off and the genre of the film. if it’s one of those free spirited movies then I want the character to go out and be free from the claustrophobia the characters are in. However, if it’s a scary film it’s better to have a more claustrophobic setting because it effects the audience in the right way.
  • Who’d want to see a film so packed and thing, it’s kind of annoying.
  • Go out and travel.
  • I like travel travel travel, but also like a home location, that is recognisable.
  • Uh, it depends on the movie really.
  • I’ve got claustrophobia so I’d say no to that obviously.
  • I’m a very outdoorsy person so I’d say a character who travels.
  • Considering I’m very lazy person who stays indoors all the time, I like watching films were the character goes on an adventure and does stuff, it gets me all pumped for those two hours making me feel like “yeah, I can do this”… yeah, I like that feeling but don’t actually want to bother with doing something like that.
  • I enjoy looking at beautiful animated scenery, like the sky in Attack on Titan, or the extremely detailed sceneries in Ghibli films….damn, it looks so bloody good and real! It’s almost more real that real life.

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