Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Porcelain Flower

"When a woman is referred to porcelain, generally it is the skin texture that is quite delicate and flawless. There is certainly an aspect of beauty which is so perfect and beautiful, that you don't want to touch it for fear of breaking the delicate beauty of it.
Similarly, a flower is delicate and flawless. Alluring you with it's natural beauty but too beautiful for you to want to touch it for fear of breaking the delicate beauty of it".

The term porcelain occurred to me from a conversation I had with a friend a while ago as we were discussing my theme and ideas I could explore when trying to come up with a story. The word stuck with me and it just seemed to fit the storyline so well.
Flower came from the form of symbolism in the animation. The more Agnes harmed herself to look "beautiful" the more petals fell from the flower, causing it to wilt away and die.

There's been a pattern in my work which uses some sort of symbolism somewhere, even if no one can see it. I know it's there and if people did search it up, they'd find it interesting too. I though the use of flower as symbolism for her progression of loosing herself was quite intelligent and it proved to be because everyone who watched it pointed out that it was a very good idea and was pleasing to the eye and theme. It also got the message across since people do sympathise with innocent like a flower, more than they would a person.

Taking the tutors advice into account throughout this whole project was the best thing I had done. It meant that I had much better results that I had intentionally hoped for. I am very proud of the results of my animation.

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