Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Lecture 4

Fashion Styling

The fourth lecture I went to was held by Katy Lassen, a freelance stylist. She had a large work experience list as she had worked with magazines, designers, musicians, photographers and celebrities.

Her range of work experience and struggles really had me intrigued into the whole fashion world; fashion being my initial area to work in, before I'd taken an Art and Design Foundation diploma. We were taught about how the work load of job titles could vary from company to company, for example; a fashion editor for Vogue would have a far different work style compared to a fashion editor of an independent magazine.

The downside of being freelance would be that it's possible to not have a job for a few weeks in a row. This would mean you'd have to go around and ask fi there's any jobs available for you. The only way you can get a decent job would depend on your work experience; however to get work experience in the fashion world, you need more work experience. Although that seems strange, that's how the competitive world of fashion works.

What really surprised me was that often Lassen had worked without any pay, simply to build up her list of work experience. This also helped her commercially and helped her get connections so she can get herself out there and known.

Life as a freelance fashion stylist seems full of struggles yet as a very interesting approach in life. Jobs like an intern who'd go around as give everyone coffee and help with photocopying don't matter when it's the experience and company name that's worth having on your CV.

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