Thursday, 10 October 2013

Fashion & Textiles: Paper Garment

Day 3:

Throughout the week we'd been prepared for our final day of fashion, which was going to be used for garment making. Knowing I wanted to make a dress, I had prepared a few ideas on what to make. I didn't want the trouble of taking a long time in trying to pick a design therefore three seemed like a good number, not too little nor too less, and went on to sketched and finalised the designs.

The material we would be using was paper so the designs couldn't be well draped nor too complex to make. On the other hand, I didn't want to make something simple and boring either, so I'd really though about the construction of my designs in thorough detail to make sure it was possible to make out of paper.

I decided that the third design would be the one I was going to make, as it was easiest to construct with paper, while being equally as exciting to look at.

On to the making.
Starting the pattern cutting was the hardest part because no templates were available and it was all freehand, we also had to be calculate the measurements on a mannequin or a partner- who would also be busy with their own making.

After the torso had been measured and constructed, the skirt wasn't all too difficult. It turned out fine and fairly easy. However, since the material was paper, it didn't have the qualities a dress like this would require, it was too flat and stiff.
My way of working with the obstacle was to alter the design to slightly, so it could balance with the stiffness of the paper. Instead of weaving string to connect the skirt panels, I used tissue paper in between them as ruffles. This added the volume I wanted in the dress which worked just as well as the design had intended it to.

I was very pleased with the outcome of the dress as paper isn't a very easy material to make a garment out of and tape and stapler pins are the most strongest of fastenings. The garment was wearable, strong and didn't come off the body, therefore I think I achieved a good final product.

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