On the previous lesson we were told to bring photographs of models from magazines for our work today, we were to be selective of the different poses and it had to be of at least and A4 size. Our task was to create garments for them by using paper- through the techniques we'd used yesterday- and sticking it on top of the cut outs.
I had an idea of how to work with the task as I have previously partaken in such things. Therefore, getting the hang of it didn't take too long.
I created the first one using two different coloured papers, scrunched them up randomly and stuck them on the model. The one with her back facing the camera, I choose that image because it was a different pose and she was wearing little enough for me to cover easily.
For the second one, I cut out a rectangular piece of paper and drew many small polka dots on it. I then gathered up the top and stuck it on the model as a skirt. To add some more colour and layers to the skirt, I curled long and thin pieces of paper and stuck them down at the top edge of the skirt.
Lastly I made a dress out of two different parts because the pattern on the paper was already very exciting and had fold like effects; which made it perfect for a dress.
For the next part of the lesson we were to trace out a part of the body and design something over it.
I drew out a base for five pairs of feet and drew out designs of shoes. This was because I've recently really become fond of shoe design, so to try out some skills and techniques I though this would be a fun and useful task.
The next body part I designed for was the hand/wrist/arm area. Being someone who wears a lot of bracelets and gloves I have knowledge of what kind of accessories are worn and what would be different.
Our final task for the day took us back to our paper garment models. We had to choose two of the best ones and make large photocopies out of them. I then drew shapes of clothing on some tracing paper and moved it along the photocopy. This way I could see where the garment outline looked best. Then I cut out the shape and stuck it down on the paper.
The process was repeated over all 10 times, because we had to make 5 outfits through 5 tops and 5 bottoms.
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