Friday, 27 September 2013

Research week: Time Capsule

Day 1

Over the weekend, we were to collect ten items from our past and present. The objects I brought in sparked emotion and a sense of belonging for myself, which was particularly why I chose them. Deciding what objects I would bring was a rather difficult task because I had to limit myself to only ten things, out of hundreds, that I feel strongly towards.
In the end I chose:
  1. Lyrics sheet
  2. Childhood pictures
  3. Oldest drawing I did that I still own
  4. Paint
  5. Father's tie
  6. Confirmation retreat booklet
  7. The first album I bought
  8. The first manga I bought
  9. Keychain
  10. Rosary bracelet

Our job was to create a time capsule. However instead of simply dumping the objects in a bag or box, we had to complete ten different tasks to go with and represent each object; such as [corresponding to the list above]:
  1. Making a wrapping paper design
  2. Fifty words that come to my mind when I see the object
  3. Drawing object with eyes closed
  4. A poster to promote object
  5. Taking a photograph of the expression the object gives
  6. Describing the making process
  7. Recording a film
  8. Labelling components in the photocopy
  9. Choosing one word and font to describe the object
  10. Drawing how it makes me feel

And lastly, we had to draw a picture of ourselves and put it in the bag; ready to be buried.

When everything was done and dusted, we placed everything on the floor and gather around it to discuss what we did, how we felt about it and find out about our task for the night.

I wasn't one to usually dwell much in memory and used it as a source of inspiration. However, by the end of the day, I'd say I rather enjoyed the project because it made me think and deliver tasks in ways I wouldn't have thought of before.

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