Friday, 27 September 2013

Graphics: Faces

Day 1:

Graphics began with us drawing portraits. With out mouths. We had to draw the people surrounding us with a few experimental techniques. The four methods we used were:
  • Drawing with eyes closed
  • Drawing with alternate hand
  • Drawing by mouth
  • Continuous line, drawing without looking
They strengthened abilities I didn't know I had and taught me new ways in which I could possibly execute work. I enjoyed this task and though it helped loosen me up for what was about to come during the course of this weeks rotation.

Our next task was to draw, in detail, the ear or someone close to us. This wasn't particularly a hard task since I was familiar with the shape and structure or a general ear. The part that made the task more difficult than it should have been was that the person we'd be drawing was in the process of drawing their own. This meant that there was a lot of movement and angle changing which make the task go  on for longer.

After everyone had finished their piece, we went downstairs and places all of our drawing on the ground and stood around it. This way we could see everyone's work and learn that "ears are very unique body parts" and though ears have a similar shape, they're all very different in terms of technical structure.


To end the day, we used magazine rip outs to create a collage of a face. In which we were supposed "to play God" and create our own specie or race of human. Regardless of sex or the rules of facial structure. I went all out and crazy with the task and created something far off what one would consider normal. Being a very orderly and precise person, I was proud of myself for getting this experimental with my work.

As work to do at home, I created a viewfinder by cutting out a box shape on a piece of paper and selected a section of my collage that I would do a drawing of. I really enjoy using a pen to draw because that way you can't erase mistakes and it makes the drawing interesting to look it. It also helps improve the final product and accuracy of the drawing at first try.
Instead of drawing the collage how it was, with all the edges and ripped out edges showing, I wanted to make it as though it was all originally part of one face.

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